A Blog??
I’ve been playing around a lot recently with different mediums both artistically and this written word aspect. I was recently asked to do a presentation for a lovely group of women which was such an honor. I haven’t done a presentation for a large (or virtual ever!) group of people in… a very long time. As I was working on my powerpoint, I realized that a) I don’t like powerpoint presentations and b) the content I was working on would make a great workbook. So I started writing a workbook lol. And it felt good! Most of my writing day-to-day is chart notes. It’s dry, it’s not even complete sentences most of the time. It certainly doesn’t capture my voice. I really enjoy writing and sitting down to write conjured up memories of my high school creative writing days. The workbook felt (feels!) good to write. It’s fulfilling to see activities I use with clients in a cohesive place. I can’t wait to share it with y’all.
I’ve been thinking often about social media. In full transparency, I’ve been trying to into have more of a social media presence because I really want to spread the word about my art workshops. Social media is the way to do that right?? But I spend so much of my time telling clients to get off social media and I don’t want to spend time on there much myself. Something about that just feels incongruent at times. I appreciate a good art group and some of my professional groups are really great. However I don’t want to create free content for the billionaires to keep making more billions… and I want my clients and others to go out and live their lives away from their phones.
Enter the blog. I can share on the socials that there’s a blog post up. Come read it here. I can also share via our newsletter. I’m not sure what I’ll be posting exactly. Probably a lot of art. Imperfect art. I always joke with clients that sometimes there seems to be a “theme of the week” that everyone is talking about and this seems like a good place to write about that. Maybe a recipe from time to time.
Anyways, if you’re reading this, thanks! I’ll probably leave comments off because spam bots are lame but I’d love if you drop me an email if something I wrote resonates with you.
Art I made. I misspelled authenticity and ran out of room for perfect on the first go round. No worries- just added more layers and it turned out perfectly, authentically lovely.